So ever since I chose the
Penelope bedding from Pottery Barn Kids for sweet peas room, I have become a tiny bit obsessed with birds. They have somehow managed to "land" all over my house. I am not a fan of real birds, but for some reason little nick-nacky ones just make me happy! Every time I stumble upon a new one I just have to have it, no matter if I NEED it or not. Here is a little sneek peek into my collection:
Here is a picture of sweet peas bed. Don't ya just LOVE it!

Close up of her quilt

This is one of my new finds, and it has a brother that is blue that you will see later in the post. Got that cute little birdhouse at Joann fabrics for only .99 and painted it pink to match her room.

Got this lovely one at Michael's on sale for only $2.49!

This is some art that I painted for sweet peas wall over her dresser, when I was still pregnant. I was an arts and crafts machine before she arrived!

A Hobby Lobby find that was originally brown, but I painted it pink.

My sweet cousin painted this for sweet pea right before she was born. It matches the sheets on her crib.

My lovely friend Hannah purchased this cute bag for me, and I just LOVE it. I carry it everyday now! On the back it says "Made with Love". :)

One of my best friends is the manager at Arhaus here in town, so I think I have collected almost every bird figurine that they have in their store. Can't say enough about Arhaus's accessories, they are so cute, and the best part is they are actually affordable! Oh and by the way, that is a picture of sweet pea when she was only 2 weeks old, laying in my hubby's hands, isn't it the sweetest thing you have ever seen.

Yes ladies and gents (if there are any out there) this is a Dollar Store find, and it has a brother and sister to go with it. Gotta love the Dollar Store!

Another Arhaus birdy, and I'm pretty sure was the first in my collection.

Got this cutie at a local consignment shop.

Here is the twin to the green bird that sits in sweet peas room. They came from the JC Penney outlet and were on sale for .99. They also came in yellow, which my mom purchased, but I may just have to go back and get one for myself.

Another local consignment shop find.

Here is the last, but not final bird in my collection. It came from Hobby Lobby and resides in my kitchen. I have been thinking about painted it white. What do you think??

Hope you enjoyed your peek into my little collection. What are some of the things that you out there collect? Drop me a comment and let me know.
Until next time, BYE!
Oh my gosh, it's gorgeous! Wonderful! Fabulous! Darling! Perfect! Makes me want to have another baby! I really love what you've done. The quilt and the chair are my favorite things, but I love it all. I'm your newest follower; found you via Kim.