So after making drop cloth curtains for my bedroom, I thought I would take a shot at making one for my dining room. We live in an old house and for some reason none of the closets have doors. Not sure if they did at one time, but I don't think so. Sometimes I don't mind the open concept, but we use this particular closet for our winter coats, boards games, and gaming systems (we hung our TV on the wall last year, and so we had to make a new home for everything), so needless to say it is not the most organized.
Here it is after I was done. This ended up being a no sew project, since I don't know how to sew and I didn't want to bug my mother in law with another sewing project! I ended up using hemming tape, which worked perfectly and I love the results.
After passing by my new project for a couple of weeks, I decided that it was a little boring and it needed a little pizzaz. I figured I could stencil a design on the curtain, and what better design to use than a Fleur de lis, since it is the symbol of our city. I picked one up from my fave store Hobby Lobby, and it worked perfect. The brand name was Show-Offs and they had so many different patterns.
First thing I did was take the curtain down and measure how close to the top I wanted the pattern. I ended up doing 8 inches I think. In this pic you get a little glance at how disheveled that closet is.
Here is the stencil. I didn't realize that they were 2 different Fleur de lis designs until I started painting, but I kinda liked having the 2 different ones.
After I measured, I taped the stencil to the curtain and started painting. I used a small brush, but the stencil says you can use a sponge as well. I thought the brush would give me a more even coverage. After each application I lifted the stencil and then moved it over, re-taped and repeated the process until I got to the end. I decided to do a row at the top and one at the bottom, but you can do any pattern you like.
For paint I used what I had on hand already from a sweet pea project. It was Folk Art brand acrylic paint in bark brown. Since the curtains are made from canvas, the paint went on really well.
It took me about 4 hours total to complete this project, but it was totally worth every minute. I LOVE the finished project and I think it adds a lot to the room.
Oh there is my new cloche that my lovely friend Amanda gave to me for my birthday. I just love it!
A close up of the pattern. Pretty nice if I do say so myself! Well I hope you enjoy this project as much as I did. Until next time have a lovely Wednesday!
Linking today to Savvy Southern Style
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