Instead of sharing a bunch of individual posts I thought I would just give you one big run down of how my Christmas week played out.
Monday I got together with my best girlfriends for our Annual Christmas Poker Party where we drink a little wine, have some snacks, and play a fun silly little game of poker. It's funny because everyone is always so afraid to bet very much so the game always goes on forever and then eventually we all get bored and just cash in the chips we have left and call it a night. We are definitely NOT professionals!! It's just fun to get out of the house and have a little mommy time with some of my favorite people.
The highlight of the day though was watching her ice the cookie and then eat it. She was just picking it up and licking the icing off. It was too funny! She has unfortunately inherited her momma's sweet tooth. Whoops!
Friday sweet pea and I went to church with my mom and dad for the Christmas Eve Eve service. It was a really pretty service and I finally got to see the new sanctuary that the church built. Sweet pea was not amused at being dropped off at the children's center because when we got back to pick her up she was crying and they said she had been on and off during the entire service. I was glad that they didn't page me and I was able to enjoy myself.
Christmas Eve we went to my aunts house (my mom's sister) and my mom's whole side of the family came over for lunch. My aunt made 3 different kinds of soups and then we had a bunch of desserts. Sweet pea of course was showered with gifts which was so nice of everyone. She is blessed to have so many people in her life that love her so much! It was nice to see everyone because this was technically not the year that we have Christmas with them. (We switch years with my mom and dad's family)
We then went over to my mom and dad's and opened presents with them and my sister, her husband and nephew. Sweet pea again got way too much stuff, but was so excited about her baby doll that aunt Sarah got her. She immediately wanted to take it out of the package and then proceeded to use the box as a bed for the baby. It was hilarious! I got some Best Buy giftcards which I am super pumped about, because I am saving up to buy a new digital camera. Hopefully I will have enough to get it very soon. By the time we got to my sister in laws house on Christmas Eve we were all worn out so we went to bed so that Santa could come and visit.
Christmas seems to always get me in the organizing mood, so I think my New Year's Resolution will be to get my house more organized and keep it that way. I got a sewing machine from my hubby and I am super excited to start using it, so I forsee a lot of projects in 2012.
Well the Oklahoma game just started so I think I am gonna jump off here and watch a little bit with my hubby before I head to bed. I hope everyone has a safe and Happy New Years Eve, and I will see ya'll in 2012!!
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